Daphne Pierre Bishop Appears as a Moderator for CLA Labor and Employment 2025 New Employment Practicioner Conference

Partner, Daphne Pierre Bishop, will participate as a moderator in the the Labor and Employment Law Section of the California Lawyers Association’s 2025 New Employment Practitioner Conference. The session focusing on Workplace Investigations will take place on January 30th from 10:15 AM - 111:45 AM.

Thursday, January 30th

Workplace Investigations

10:15 AM – 11:45 AM


1.5 MCLE Hours

Employment practitioners inevitably encounter workplace investigations, whether they are representing employers or employees. This session will cover the legal principles, ethical obligations, and practical steps associated with workplace investigations, from the perspectives of an internal investigator and an external investigator. Topics will include when an investigation is needed and who should conduct it; the steps of a workplace investigation, from planning to report writing; and common missteps in workplace investigations. Finally, the workplace investigators on this panel will talk about their respective paths to becoming workplace investigators, as well as a typical day in their practice.

Key Takeaway:

This session will cover the legal principles, ethical obligations, and practical steps associated with workplace investigations, from the perspectives of an internal investigator and an external investigator. 




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