The results are in from the first VM writing contest!

The first VM writing contest came to a close and it generated a lot of response and entries. Thank you to all the participants! We received so many entries, that we had a hard time selecting the winner. But in the end, we had to decide on one – however, we just couldn’t ignore all the other great entries, so we created some sub-categories that brought light your personalities and fun you had with this.

The instructions for the contest were as follows:
Shorten the following sentence as much as possible while still retaining its original meaning. 

The sentence to shorten was:
“Your statement in your letter that has the contention that the information submitted and sent to you by us contained certain inaccuracies and errors has prompted us to embark on a careful and thorough reevaluation of the information submitted, with the result that the original informative data has been determined to be accurate and correct in all instances and aspects of the information.”

Congratulations to Cori Stillson who wrote the winning sentence which was most succinct while maintaining meaning. Cori will be receiving a copy of Sue Ann Van Dermyden’s book “Conducting Effective Investigations”.
Cori’s winning sentence was:
We reviewed the data you questioned, and it is all correct.

The runners-up were:
After further review, the original data is still correct. - Jeannie Anderson
Based on your inquiry, we re-verified the accuracy of all previously provided information. - Michael Sullivan
Subsequent to your letter, we verified the accuracy of our previously submitted data. - Joe Sugar
Our review indicates that we sent you accurate information, despite your assertion otherwise. -Salam Baqleh
In response to your letter we confirmed that we sent you accurate information. - Euphemia Thomopulos

And the sub-categories we just had to create:
Most colorful:

Facts don't lie. Piss off. - Sam Ince

Most polite:
Thank you for requesting that we reexamine our previous submission. After a careful reevaluation, we determine that the original data was indeed accurate. - Carl Dore

Most “mature”:
We double-checked our letter; you were wrong and we were right.  [Accompanied by sticking out your tongue and blowing a raspberry.] - Keith Rohman

Shortest and most mysterious:
We confirmed the information. - Maren Hufton

Best use of two-word sentences:
You said our information was inaccurate. We checked. It's not. - Christina Heeth



Our Own, Sue Ann Van Dermyden, is Interviewed on the Podcast, “Leading in a Lonely World: Conversations with Transformative Leaders”


Eli Makus and Kelly Gemelli Join VM Law Corp