Writing Contest

Our first writing contest has concluded. Please follow VM Law on social media to be notified when our second contest starts.

Van Dermyden Maddux Law Corporation is hosting its first writing contest. Attorneys at VM routinely write detailed, complex, and comprehensive investigative reports.  VM is now giving you, our readers, the chance to have your writing reviewed by its senior partners.

To enter, shorten the following sentence as much as possible while still retaining its original meaning. 

“Your statement in your letter that has the contention that the information submitted and sent to you by us contained certain inaccuracies and errors has prompted us to embark on a careful and thorough reevaluation of the information submitted, with the result that the original informative data has been determined to be accurate and correct in all instances and aspects of the information.”

When finished, submit your entry here:

Submissions must be completed by 5:00pm PST on Monday, March 1, 2021.

All submissions will be reviewed by our Senior Partners. The sentence with the fewest word count and most coherent structure and meaning will win!

The winner will be issued a copy of Sue Ann Van Dermyden’s “Investigator’s Guide to Report Writing Excellence.”

Need some help in preparing your submission?
Be sure to read our
Practical Tips for Concise Report Writing