Microsoft to Review Sexual Harassment Policies

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At Van Dermyden Makus, we have a keen interest in all things workplace investigation. This includes watching, learning from and assessing public investigations to see how they play out. Our goal: Ensure fairness to all parties in the investigations we conduct, and to the extent we can affect the industry as a whole, share our views. To do this, it is important we have a daily pulse on what is happening in the world of investigations.

Most recently, on Thursday, January 13, 2022, Microsoft’s Board of Directors announced its plan to hire an outside law firm to review the Company’s sexual harassment and gender discrimination policies. Shareholders voted to pass the resolution by a 78% majority during the Company’s annual meeting. The Board’s announcement comes following shareholder concerns about the Company’s handling of previous sexual harassment claims.

Not only will the investigation review Microsoft’s policies, but it will also examine the results of past investigations conducted by the Company, including complaints about Microsoft founder Bill Gates. In 2006, a female employee reported Gates emailed her to ask for a date immediately after he attended a presentation she gave. In 2019, the Board hired a law firm to investigate a report that Gates had a sexual relationship with another female employee in 2000. Gates stepped down from the Board the following year. An investigation the Board conducted into a 2019 email thread between female employees alleging harassment and discrimination will also be reviewed.

Microsoft previously came under scrutiny when a 2018 lawsuit brought by three former employees revealed that out of 118 gender discrimination complaints filed with the Company between 2010 and 2016, only one was determined by the Company to be “founded.” The Company has also received criticism from current and past employees regarding its handling of sexual harassment claims, pay inequality, and discriminatory promotional practices.

The upcoming report, expected to be released to the Board in spring 2022, will include recommendations for improving the Company’s culture and policies. Following receipt of the report, the Board plans to release a public report detailing any proposed changes to the Company’s culture. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in a statement, “We’re committed not just to reviewing the report, but learning from the assessment so we can continue to improve the experiences of our employees. I embrace this comprehensive review as an opportunity to continue to get better.”

Climate assessments similar to the investigation being conducted for Microsoft can provide valuable insight into the work environment and company culture, as well as provide concrete information about employee concerns, which employers can use to build a roadmap to begin resolving those concerns.

Van Dermyden Makus creates finely tuned workplace climate surveys that maximize employee responses and produce high-quality information. We work closely with decisionmakers to tailor each survey to match the unique circumstances of each workplace. Our goal is to produce a work product that illustrates clear trends and useful information so employers can make informed decisions and employees can get back to work. As an independent third party, we can provide employees with the confidentiality—and anonymity—needed for candid responses.

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Lisa Mabie

Lisa Mabie is a Senior Editor with Van Dermyden Makus Law Corporation. She earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree from UC Davis with a minor in writing.

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