VM Recommends - January 2022

This month’s VM Recommends brings us recommendations from our two Senior Partners – Sue Ann Van Dermyden and Eli Makus. Sue Ann recommends an interesting documentary podcast that explores a decades-old unsolved investigation, while Eli’s recommendation covers his latest read – a book that examines how we think and provides an insightful reminder for investigators.

Sue Ann Van Dermyden – Podcast: Your Own Backyard by Chris Lambert

This 10-part documentary podcast delves into the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student Kristin Smart. The podcast investigates Smart’s case and covers the arrest of the two suspects charged with killing Smart – Ruben and Paul Flores. Lambert did extensive research over a year and a half to produce this podcast – poring over newspaper articles and interviewing witnesses and those who were close to Smart. Lambert was even credited by police for helping to restart the case, which had long since gone dormant. This is an interesting podcast for any investigator who loves true crime and seeing justice (finally) served.

Eli Makus – Book: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

This is a fascinating book from the field of behavioral science that explores our two modes of thought – System 1, which is fast, instinctive, and emotional; and, System 2, which is slower, deliberative, and logical. In exploring these modes of thought, Kahneman explains how each of them impact the judgments and decisions we make. It reminds us as investigators how and why people make fast judgments that may not always be accurate. Kahneman is a world-renown psychologist and a Nobel Prize winner in Economics. Much of what we know about cognitive bias comes from Kahneman’s years of research.


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