VM Recommends - February 2022

February’s VM Recommends brings us selections from Partner Jen Doughty, who is celebrating her 10th Anniversary with VM (to find out more about Jen, read her interview here).

Jen says, “I don’t have very much free time given my busy work and family schedule, but I recently read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. It was published in 2008, but a friend recently recommended it to me (and it is now a movie).  It is historical fiction set in the island of Guernsey (England) during the German occupation in the 1940s.  The story is told through an exchange of letters amongst the characters—it was a short, entertaining read (despite the serious historical context of World War II). 

I also like listening to Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast ‘Revisionist History.’  Gladwell re-examines an event, idea, or situation from the past—and asks ‘whether we got it right the first time.’  It is fascinating!”


VM Value: Teamwork


VM Spotlight: Meet Jennifer Doughty!