Eli Makus Presents at HRWest 2025
Senior Partner, Eli Makus, will present “The Power of Corroboration in Workplace Investigations” at the HRWest 2025 Conference on March 12th in Oakland, CA.
March 12, 2025
9:45 am - 10:15 am PT
Legal and Compliance
Junior Ballroom 3/4 - Compliance Classroom
When a complaint is received in the workplace, investigators are often required to analyze numerous witness statements, chat messages, emails, and other documents that can seem to support conflicting findings. Learning how to leverage credibility factors to evaluate the reliability of evidence gathered is an essential skill for investigating workplace complaints. However, one credibility factor rises above all others – corroboration. In this session, we will explore the nuances of direct and indirect corroboration and discuss how to use this concept in every investigation, even when there are no direct witnesses to the conduct in question.
Learning Objectives:
Develop a high-level understanding of evaluating credibility in workplace investigations
Explain how direct and indirect corroboration can be the most powerful credibility factor in evaluating conflicting evidence
Evaluate hypothetical complaints and how direct and indirect corroboration may impact the findings